Fat Dissolving


When fat accumulates on the back, your shirts and bras don’t fit right and bulges show. Sometimes this is caused by medical conditions, genetics and medicines but the most common cause of back fat is weight gain. While exercise and diet may improve your overall appearance, it cannot target the specific areas where fat accumulates on the back.

Fat dissolving injections provide an alternative to eliminating back fat without the need for plastic surgery/liposuction. These injections leverage the substance in the body; deoxycholic acid, a salt that aids in fat digestion to destroy fat cells. Fat dissolving is not new. The medical community has practiced fat dissolving as a means to break up fat to prevent it from entering the circulatory system after trauma dating as far back as the 60’s. The same process is equally effective at eliminating the fat cells that cause unsightly bulges and rolls in the back.

After applying a numbing cream to reduce pain, several injections will be made throughout the area of concern. Following the treatment, the substance goes to work destroying fat cells. This process can cause inflammation, bruising, swelling, pain, numbness, redness and lumps that will be temporary lasting anywhere from 2 days to 3 weeks.

After 3 treatments, the fat cells will be eliminated and no further treatment will be required.


Frequently asked questions & answers

  • What are the side effects?

    Possible side effects of fat dissolving injections Include swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness and hardness that occurs as the medication is destroying the fat cells. This may last anywhere from 2 days to 3 weeks.

  • How many fat dissolving treatments are needed?

    The process to dissolve back fat is gradual and usually takes 3 treatments. Once all fat dissolving treatments London are complete, the fat cells will be gone and no further treatment will be needed.

  • How much does fat dissolving cost?

    The cost for fat dissolving treatments per procedure range from $200 to $300 per session with up to three treatments recommended, it is comparable to the cost of plastic surgery without going under the knife.

  • Does fat dissolving work?

    Yes, the deoxycholic acid used to dissolve love handles, back bulging and other fat pads is a natural substance the body uses to help absorb fat that has been proven to destroy fat cells when injected into the area of concern.

  • Does fat dissolving hurt?

    Fat dissolving is a noninvasive procedure where small injections apply the deoxycholic acid to the fat area. Numbing cream is applied to the injection site to minimize discomfort.

  • Is fat dissolving safe?

    The deoxycholic acid is a natural substance produced by the body that is approved by Health Canada for use in dissolving fat and is proven to be a low risk procedure

  • How can I get rid of love handles?

    One way to eliminate love handles is to dissolve the stubborn fat with deoxycholic acid administered by a medically trained, expert nurse injector at Face Injectables. Fat dissolving is becoming a common treatment for stubborn fat because it is affordable, convenient with permanent results.

  • Am I a candidate for fat dissolving?

    Do not seek this treatment if you have an infection in the area or if you are pregnant or are breastfeeding. Let your injector know in advance if you have a bleeding disorder or have had previous surgery in the treatment area.

  • How long does it take to see results from body fat dissolving treatments?

    Results from body fat dissolving treatments can be seen within a few weeks of treatment, and optimal results may be achieved after several treatments. However, results may vary depending on the individual and the number of treatments completed.